Task 1:
Find all users who are located in New York.
Task 2:
Find the user(s) with the email "[email protected]" and retrieve their favorite movie.
Task 3:
Find all users with "pizza" as their favorite food and sort them according to age.
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Task 4**:
Find all users over 30 whose favorite color is "green".
Task 5:
Count the number of users whose favorite movie is "The Shawshank Redemption."
Task 6:
Update the zip code of the user with the email "[email protected]" to "10002".
Task 7:
Delete the user with the email "[email protected]" from the user data.
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Task 8**:
Group users by their favorite movie and retrieve the average age in each movie group.
Task 9:
Calculate the average age of users with a favorite " pizza " food.
Task 10:
Perform a lookup aggregation to retrieve the orders data along with the customer details for each order.